As you may have noticed, I've been away from the blog for quite some time and there is a good reason why. Three and a half months ago I earned a new title: Mom! Yep, that's right. I finally made my dreams a reality and am the mommy of a baby girl. As an older mom this wasn't an easy journey and still isn't, but she is the most amazing thing to ever happen to me and as a result, I have a newfound respect for all the parents I work with.
I am learning why the work StudyWise tutors and I do with our students is such an invaluable resource for parents. Parenting, in addition to daily life demands and work, is quite challenging to say the least. School has become very complicated and knowing the ins and outs has taken me years to learn, so I can see how stressful it would be for busy parents to figure out the system. I'm just having trouble keeping my eyes open and the house clean at this point, so I can only imagine adding in figuring out my daughter's classes and teachers each year, new technology, websites and grading systems, daily assignments and due dates, etc. I find my work even more rewarding now because I know I'm making parents' jobs a little easier. Thank you StudyWise families for your dedication in raising such amazing kiddos!